Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Before I tell you about my day I want you to take in the beauty of Mount Maxwell. The pictures is supposed to be of my holding the sun. Blame the photographer, not the model. I am adding this pretty, pleasant picture to balance out what I had in my hand later today.
Jen, one of the farmer owners, had a baby! It was a boy and weighed 10.5 lbs. All the women in the community have home births and typically their husbands birth the babies (...don't really smart people go to school for years to learn how to do this???). Jen had difficulties during her first pregnancy and she ended up having to be helicoptered to Victoria for a c-section because there is no hospital on the island. She didn't want to chance anything this go around so she went to Victoria a few days ago to wait until until she went into labor. She had the baby this morning which is very exciting and basically everyone on the farm minus the wwoofers got to go to Victoria to see her.

Liz, she a part of the "farm community" (AKA she lives on the farm) came home from Victoria a few hours ago. I helped her unload her car and carried this bag that had a heavy pan/container type thing inside. She told me to be careful because I was carrying the PLACENTA. I repeat, the PLACENTA! IN A BAG! Apparently she is going to freeze this and when Jen comes home tomorrow they are going to have a placenta blessing.

I'm speechless.

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