Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I'm back in Virginia with mono and strep- it seems like every time I leave America I come back having to go to the hospital ASAP. Parasites, viruses and now this .... I think my next trip will be a cruise. A nice, relaxing cruise. That sounds wonderful. I'm so thankful for Beth taking care of me during our "vacation" together - what an amazing friend! Thanks Bethy and I owe you big time!! Anyways, I'm excited to be back where I don't have to sleep on the ground and I can take a real shower where I can adjust the water temperature and drink out of water fountains and wash my clothes in a washer and dryer ... but at the same time I'm amazed at how fast this summer went by - Is it really over???

Reflecting on my time spent in BC I think everything boils down to a hunger, a quest for perfection. Not an abstract idea of perfection, or an idea I hold in my mind of what is "perfect" to me. But the perfect thing in itself. Waking up to the smell of lavender on a summer’s morning, perfect in itself. Going on hour long bike rides without directions, climbing mountains in the rain, figuring out confusing ferry schedules, learning the differences between carrots and parsnips, appreciating traveling solo. As perfectly itself as it can be. Strangers becoming lifelong friends simply because we worked hard together, talked for hours, deeply listened and loved each others life story without judgment. Perfect.

The sounds, the sights, the food, the work, the experiences sang my heart alive. Sang my heart alive. The past two months have been a true gift, and with it I was reminded of how important it is for me, and for everyone, to remember that whatever we touch comes alive. Food. Music. Business. Conversation. Education. Technology. Relationships.
What we touch comes alive. We make each other and in turn we make the world.
It is an understatement to call this the best summer of my life.
Annnnnd now it's time for a nap.

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