Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The farm bought a new bull. You must understand the significance of this move because, apparently, buying a new bull is a lot like buying a new car.
Yesterday the proud new owners had to do a few checks, one being taking its temperature. I was the selected wwoofer who got to leave weeding behind to help out Josh with the bull. Now, when I've taken my dogs to the vets they are not fans of getting their temperature taken either and they make these horrible shrieking noises. I guess most creatures are not like my dear friend BDP. Anyways, so, logic follows, shoving a thermometer up a bull's arse seemed to be quite the feat. However, the farmer, no stranger to this situation, carried on like a trooper with quite an amount of class. Only thing is, when the thermometer was in, the bull decided to do a massive bull shit (ziiiing)!
The crazy part of all of this is that the bull then performed a maneuver more akin to anatomical black magic by doing an in-fart which sucked the thermometer inside the dark abyss. And, wearing his floppy straw hat, the farmer embarked on a journey with me just standing, watching in disbelief and holding my nose. Without going into details, the buried treasure was eventually retrieved amid much fanfare.

And this people is another example of why we must always respect our farmers.

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