Friday, July 10, 2009

Due to an old addiction to VH1's Best Week Ever my brain tends to function in Upgrades and Downgrades:

Upgrade: My constant begging was finally answered when I woke up and found a can of black beans on the counter. I can finally get my black bean and tomato fix!

Downgrade: I'm sick and no longer care about my can of black beans.

Upgrade: I went on the 90 minute bike ride to the Laughing Llama in search of medicine.

Downgrade: They only had medicine for livestock. Who knew animals had over the counter meds?! I even asked if I could take any of the cow medicine to help me feel better and got realllllly weird looks. This downgrade should be squared.

Upgrade: I still have Tylenol PM

Downgrade: I only have 3 Tylenol PMs left

Upgrade: I get to get off the farm and go to Duncan for the farmers market on Saturday

Downgrade: I'll be meeting and greeting with the likes of Twinkle Toe, Pony Rainwater, Willow and Rick (more on these characters later - they deserve their own post)

Upgrade: Duncan is a town! There must be a doctor!

Downgrade: It is Saturday - will a place be open?

Upgrade: Dave claims to have been an EMT in the '80s

Downgrade: "Technically" Dave's licenses has "expired." (I use those quotations because he used them when explaining this to me)

Upgrade: He has personally assured me that everything they teach you now is exactly the same as it was back then. Only fools think the medical field is rapidly changing!!

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