For the past year I have spent a good portion my time pretending. I pretended to care when I caught students chewing gum or cheating on their homework (I never actually graded that stuff anyways), pretended to know things like the meaning of "day time pee-pee issues" and the word "quaishabomb" without asking for further information (note to self: ask for more details on these). I pretended that I could understand what was said during staff meetings and I pretended that picking up pieces of weaves and fake nails was a normal way to end a work day. I pretended that I knew how to do the stanky leg, the shoot out and the Ricky Bobby. I pretended not to notice incorrect grammar used by fellow English teachers and I finally got to a point where I pretended to overlook words like "dat" and "da" in student work. I pretended it was appropriate for parents to come to meetings with their toddlers in tow wearing bibs that said, "Help! I don't know who my daddy is!" and pretended to have an answer when students asked who was the better man - Barack or Barack Obama.
I figure since I've spent so much time pretending lately I figure I might as keep it up. Thus, my choice to tell my next farm that I am vegan.
Let's see how well I can pull this one off....
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